As we reflect on yet another year as it comes to a close many emotions, words and images may come to mind. Some are more desirable than others, some can make us smile while others make our heart heavy or thank our lucky stars we got through it. Begin by drawing in gratitude for a year full of memories, experiences, successes, and failures with room to learn and grow. Gratitude to be here, in this moment. Pull that gratitude into your heart, fill it up with all the abundance you can from your past year. Thank any hard lessons, honor any obstacles. Sit peacefully with all that you have and all that you are in this moment. Let your breath clear out any old, stagnant energy keeping you from being at peace and fully content. Imagine yourself one year from now, reflecting on this new year to come. What did you accomplish? What goals did you work to meet? What perceived obstacles did you face and overcome? Where do you want to be one year from now? See yourself there, how you look, how you feel, following all of the intentions you have for yourself in this next cycle in your life. Take time in silent meditation to send your future self encouragement and well wishes in the year to come. Offer them a mantra or affirmation to carry with them, and let your new mindset settle in to bring what it is you want in your life. MUSINGS FOR THIS MEDITATION: 1. How can I work to honor all my experiences and learn from them in a healthy way? 2. In what ways can I make it a priority to return to my intentions, renew my energy when needed and keep on course for what I want in my life? 3. Write your future self a letter, begin it with ‘let me guess what you’re doing right now…’. Give yourself advice, guidance, love and support. Tuck it away until next new years eve or take out when you need encouragement and a reminder of what you want *download your complimentary worksheet on setting sacred intentions for the new year below! ![]()
The climate being brought to the forefront in recent days, months and years has stirred up triggering feelings for many- the abuse to women, children and men has been carried in the bellies and hearts of millions tragically throughout history. But the fire that's been sparked as of late has amplified the echos of systematic abuse sent down from generation to generation, congregation to congregation, culture to culture. Fear, control, entitlement and power has ruled the people-a system that's been passed down by our 'forefathers' and the patriarchal methodology to not make everyone equal but to keep order, make money and keep certain people in power, and others not. Many of us have fought hard to change this outdated system, and we've done well. But now it feels like a kick in the gut. But my hands do not shake, they are steady with each key stroke. We can't be silent, go underground to send a message. We must be so loud that the Earth feels it all the way down to her core. We've come along way as a world, as a society. So many kind people, women and men alike, doing wonderful things and taking care of each other and standing up for those without a voice. To those I send a heart-felt thank you. Keep doing what your doing, make the world a better and kinder place. We must stay vigilant and not let their hands cover our mouths in silence any longer, those who use their position or power to have control over the dis empowered. Those who hold those tender souls under their thumbs to only then declare to be victims themselves when claims of abuse or injustice arise. Whether the abuser holds the highest position in the land, or plays the role of God in the eyes of a child as father, mother, teacher or priest, the effects of abuse stay with that survivor their entire life. Sometimes we pay attention to those effects, sometimes we don't. Sometimes it's a low continual hum in the background of our every day life. Sometimes we feel the lump in our throat, stifling our voice- or the lump is lodged so deeply within our chest we long for the cathartic release of screaming until our voice runs dry. Sometimes it shows up unannounced as crippling anxiety or depression. However we choose to to process our own trauma is our choice, but we need not go at it alone. Does it take decades to even realize the weight and magnitude of which we suffered? Often times it does. Does fighting your entire life to dislodge that lump to finally find your voice diminish that magnitude and weight? Absolutely not. ![]() We see the strength, we embody the relived pain, we feel the frustration and outrage. We hear the cries of our sisters and brothers throughout the world. How can we rise up, heal, love and create lasting change? I'm not sure I have the exact answer to that question. But the feeling lodged in my chest is a mixture of emotions I've carried throughout my entire life. And yet my hands are steady. Betrayal, sadness, rage, shame, anxiety, low self worth. These were embedded into my psyche at a tender age, where instead of protection and love I experienced trauma and unspeakable neglect. And yes, even if I would choose to publicly use my voice today to call them out over 30 years later, you are damned right they should be held accountable. And yes I do believe it shows insight into their character. And did I experience an additional assault similar to the one in the headlines today? Almost to the letter. D0 these feelings get carried into young adulthood, adulthood into today? Of course, they effect every aspect of our lives. Who we chose to love or let love us, if at all. What we feel we deserve and don't deserve. If we let ourselves feel any emotion at all. This has been the pattern most throughout most of my adult life, as is the case with most who have had something taken without their consent. With wonderful support and much interpersonal work I've been able to heal somewhat, to find some forgiveness and share love and support to those who need it. But our story is not unique, it is shared by millions of people all around the country and the world. And what right have do some have to say to us that maybe we are confused? Or maybe we were drunk or emotional? To say it was so long ago it no longer matters. Whether we speak up or process it all silently it all matters. Every single drop of it. And whether your hands are steady or they and your voice are shaking you out of your skin, it matters. ![]() For those who voice never came, I hear you. For those who suffered at the hands of abusers, I see you. For those who's rage and self hated eats at you, I feel you. For the dozens of women, men and children I know personally who have suffered, I stand with you and yes, me too. For those of you who stay in unhealthy situations because you feel you have no other choice, you do. To find a trusted loved one, grocery store clerk, doctor or friend and tell them that you or someone you love needs help. And to all of you, I believe you. A definition of alchemy is the magical process of transformation, creation or combination. I've chosen to combine these emotions, these memories and this big ass lump in my throat, chest and belly and transform them. Like Kali, Goddess of destruction and change, I choose to consume that rage and turn it into love. It has been a challenging thing to do. Rage and anger has been an underlying driving force most of my adult life after I decided to move away from my self-destructive tendencies. To prove I'm worthy, that I can do anything I put my mind to. That I deserved to be here. It's been embedded into my being for so long I felt I needed that rage to propel my will to create change. But that's not where I want to come from in this fight. I choose love. Love for myself. Love for all those who have had to live with the combination of emotions, triggers and memories that color their lives. We need love to change the language of the world. I see the defensiveness, fear, rage & privilege coming from those inflicting pain, and I allow those deep rooted feelings within me to exist but to move through myself in love. In love to correct what's wrong, in love to do what needs to be done, and in love to be sure that others, including myself are heard. We need to change the way we raise our children; educate our children on what's right and wrong. Teach about consent. Respect. Empathy. All of it. For every dismissal from authorities of claims made, every disbelief when someone has spoken up, for every unasked for ass grab and grope, for every person on this planet which suffers from inner silence, pain and lack of closure for what's been taken from them-I offer you raging love. I wage war on this outdated and barbaric lineage that dismisses such disrespect and ignores the rape culture that plagues our existence. I wage war on those who try to stifle our voices and spit venom at those who have bravely suited up for battle. I will use my voice, my ballot and my actions to suit up and stand up for what's right. Let the steady hands hold those that shake. Let us hold each other up with the strength and might that won't waver under the pressure any longer. My wounds are deep, not visible to most who see me, and mostly scar tissue until they get ripped open on occasion. But I work today to wear those wounds as war paint, and I join you in battle to bring change led by raging love. Resources to volunteer, donate or find help:
Joyful Heart Foundation-a place for victims of sexual abuse, domestic violence and child abuse HAVEN-A place for sexual abuse and domestic violence victims and their children RAINN-National sexual assault hotline NACAP-Supporting recovery from child abuse *other photo resources: Welcome to the Sacred Forest story time. A time to weave the fabric of history & folklore to the mysteries of the present world to learn, grow and embody the magic of those who came before. Today I’d like to share with you a tale of Cerridwen. From the myths and mysteries of Welsh and Celtic lore, Cerridwen was an enchantress, an herbalist, a Goddess. She was known as the Dark Mother, a witch, a shapeshifter…and represented rebirth, wisdom, divination and inspiration. She is the keeper of the cauldron of the underworld, where Divine inspiration flows like rivers under the surface of the Earth. This is a tale of her fierce commitment to her child, her despair, her wrath, and her birth of transformation, wisdom and a return to the essential self. Her tale begins at her home on a peaceful lake with her husband, a most beautiful daughter whose loveliness enchanted all who’s eye layed upon her. She bore yet another child, a son of an unfortunate fate. Her son was plagued with an ugliness and grotesqueness so profound, his first given name was Morfran, meaning ‘sea cow’. Cerridwen was truly concerned her son would not be taken into society in any useful form, and her anguish grew of the child’s fate so great that she eventually renamed him Afagdu, meaning ‘utter darkness’. This sweet soul deserved as much as a chance as her beloved daughter among the nobles of the land, and she was determined to give him that chance. Cerridwen tapped into her prophecy and magic to construct a plan to give her son the gift of Prophetic Spirit and a way to embody all the knowledge and secrets of all the worlds and the entire Universe. With this brilliance beyond all measure he would earn his place among the highest in the land and his appearance would be no match for all he could offer the world. For this she would collect sacred herbs and plants from the lake around her home under specific alignments of the planets and the stars. With these herbs she would place them in a cauldron filled with water over a blazing fire. And for a year and a day she would construct this magical brew that would contain Awen, the Universal flowing source and magical essence from which we all came. Awen is the essence of life in which everything swims. It is the trees, the sun, the stars. It’s the music and inspiration in all that we do, and said to be the soul of the universe itself. After this enchanted brew comes into being, it shall spit only 3 sacred drops containing the Awen. And for whom the drops fall upon will then embody all the magic Awen has to offer. The rest of the liquid is destined become nothing more than a powerful poison. She recruited a blind man to keep the fire burning, and a young boy named Gwion Bach to stir the bubbling liquid for a year and one day. As they tended to her cauldron she would continually forge the herbs to add to the concoction day and night. So day after day they sat, stirred, mixed and tended to this precious creation. Upon the mark of a year of the brew simmering into being, she set her son near the cauldron to await for the magic to arrive. In her exhausted state she lay down upon the trees and fell soundly asleep to the wooing of the birds who too knew the magic was coming. ![]() As the young boy Gwion stirred and stirred eagerly, three drops sprung from the cauldron, landing upon his bare thumb. The scolding liquid seared his flesh, and he instinctively placed his thumb in his mouth, immediately absorbing the magic of Awen. In an instant he knew all the secrets and mysteries of all the worlds, of past, present and future. His eyes turned black with the vastness of the universe as wisdom, clarity and prophecy fused his entire being. The remaining bubbling liquid which was now poison cracked the cauldron in two, spilling upon and poisoning the earth. It was with his new insight he could see his fate when Cerridewen awoke to see what he had done, and he chose to flee. Cerridwen rose in a fury when she discovered what had happened, and after the boy she went. ![]() With his acquired abilities he ran from Cerridwen in anyway he could, and a game of shapeshifting began. He first fled as a hare, Cerridwen then becoming a greyhound to hunt and sniff him out. He then became a fish, then she an otter. He then took to the skies and became a bird…. Cerridwen a mighty hawk. Finally he sought refuge among bails of grain, and Gwion turned into a single grain of corn. Cerridwen searched among the bails, shifting into a black breasted hen and plucked him right into her belly. Consuming the boy she finds herself with child and grows a new manifestation of young Gwion within her womb. Furious, she vows to destroy the boy when he is reborn. She is now the cauldron, the vehicle of transformation for the being of all knowing. When the boy is born she stares into his eyes and cannot with a mother’s love destroy him. She instead wraps him in a leather pouch, sending him along a river to float for what becomes 40 years at sea. He is found by a nobleman who sees the magic in his eyes, naming him Taliesin, or he with the radiant brow. He is the mighty prophet of all knowledge, whom some come today to know as Merlin, and bestows many gifts upon the world. There are many lessons to this tale, but if you want to know the true essence of Awen it’s a matter of seeking and finding that essential truth. The cauldron is of great significance in many ways. It’s a symbol that brings nourishment and transformation, but it also represents the Divine Feminine. The great mother and creative womb space from which we all came. Gwion flees through many stages as his newly enchanted self. In these transformations he becomes creatures of the earth, sea and sky. A full cycle of life to be consumed and then reborn. Settling in the channel of Awen yet again for regeneration, growth and rebirth. So the son and Gwion represent the light and dark, yin and yang aspects to oneself? A tale of balance, transformation and rebirth? As a shapeshifter one is multi-faceted, able to choose the facet that best suits your circumstance. You too are a shapeshifter, a vehicle for inspiration and transformation able to adapt to any given situation. Sit with Cerridwen and feel her Divine inspiration, what magic lies within you? What are your many facets? A lesson to never give up, to find growth and inspiration through transformation. The cycle of life may not be literal life, death and rebirth, but instead the death of different chapters of our lives. To learn the lessons, to shapeshift, to grow, adapt and transform. Awen is the ebb and flow of all existence. We swim within it in the womb, and when we are born and move through life feeling we’ve lost that connection, that we are separate from it. It feels as though it is something to be obtained, to search for. But what we find is that it is indeed inside of each and every one of us, and we can take the tales of history and our ancestors to guide us back to it. What a gift it is to realize that you already contain all of the love and answers in life you will ever need, you simply need to be guided back to them. The pilgrimage you seek is the journey to yourself. You are AWEN. You can work with Cerridwen with stones of emerald, obsidian & onyx. Use her sacred herbs of sandalwood, patchouli, vervain and sage, and the elements of earth and water during her time of late autumn and winter. Place acorns and apple seeds on her altar and give thanks to this great mother for the power of transformation and a return to the essential self. Live your magic today and every day……my beautiful shapeshifter, Namaste. Listen to this tale on my new podcast, Modern Goddess Living here....... We all require our own space from time to time. A place where we can be alone, quiet, reflective, or creative. I've discovered how important it is to have a space like this for myself, a place where I can retreat to write, read and create. The more I settle into my connection with nature, the cycles of the moon, and using ritual and meditation for manifestation the more I find my sacred space to be just that, sacred. And even if you don't have an entire room to dedicate to such endeavors that doesn't mean you can't sprinkle it among your home-which I do as well!
I have several altar spaces set up around my home, some simple and subtle, others more elaborate. I may set up a spring altar in my main living space with symbols of the season; newly sprouted plants, eggs, bunnies, items which represent fertility and renewal. I place sprigs of lavender and rose petals around the rooms with crystals for creating a peaceful and loving home. I've fashioned my own special curio for my oils and herbs I like to use in my bath and to anoint my candles for meditation or ritual. The kitchen is a magical place, as I love to cook and entertain! I put out fresh herbs, flowers and fruit, and when a bouquet of flowers or herbs is on its way out I simply dry them and decorate the table or save for sachets, dream pillows or other uses. I love to sprinkle dried herbs and petals onto candles, to infuse elements of nature into all I can within my space. I feel as though I am embraced in a warm hug from Mother Nature and can find meaningful expression of my moods, my desires and what I honor in life. I'm fortunate to have my own den at home, where I choose to surround myself with 100s of books, art, and all my treasures. I've created a meditation station/altar space for daily contemplation and sacred ceremony, and have my desk where I can write my classes, workshops, stories and this article! Even if you have a small space in your yard, front porch, or anywhere you can have a special chair or cushion, you don't need much to create your own sanctuary in and around your home. Here are some ideas on creating a sacred space and bringing a little more magic and nature into the home:
Love thyself.....words we all need to hear and probably practice more often than we do. In light of the #metoo movement and the call so many women are waking up to answer, women are stepping back into their power, finding their voice and taking back control over their sacred bodies-who can see them, who can touch them, and who can honor them. In addition to that we often fall into the business of life, taking care of others, or for any other reason, find the beliefs of our own beauty and Divine feminine essence can get diminished, stifled or even forgotten with insecurities, the media and stereotypes, or a disconnection to our sensual nature. Well, no more, I say! Loving yourself and feeling good in your own skin is essential to any kind of growth or healing. Our internal power is limitless and we find we can tap into that part of ourselves for self expression, intimacy and yes-self love. Goddess archetypes can serve as an extension of aspects already within ourselves, and whom we can petition to reawaken the spark that already lays smoldering within our I've taken the liberty (and had fun doing it!) of creating a self love ritual working with the West African Yoruban Goddess Oshun. ![]() Oshun-Goddess of luxury, beauty, fertility, sensuality, divination, the rivers, prosperity, sexuality, sweet waters and dancing. She is your girl to call upon to get your self love groove on. She teaches us how to love ourselves and our bodies, and there are many tales of her compassion and healing of the earth, while maintaining her independent and sensual nature. Used in the Yoruban traditions as well as Voodoo and Santeria, there is no doubt that she will help deliver your devotion to yourself so that you may practice giving, receiving and expression love for yourself as well as others. This ritual involves tokens to her and a means to connect to your intimate self and bring out the Divine Goddess waiting to express herself. Many things are sacred to her, including honey, mirrors (to love herself, of course!), water, peacocks, yellow copper and more, and she is said to be connected to our solar plexus or Mani Pura chakra which rules our personal power, self esteem and confidence. Oshun Altar Tool Ideas:
![]() The Ritual First be sure to give some quiet time to yourself, preferably with an empty house if possible. This is sacred space and love is for only you....for now anyway.
Remember you are a beautiful goddess capable of not only giving but receiving all of the love in the world. We can be forces of compassion and healing, while remaining our strong, independent and bad ass selves. Give yourself some love this Valentine's deserve it! Want another bad ass goddess to work with for some sensual self expression, check out a new moon ritual working with my other girl, Lilith! Happy Valentine's Day, beautiful one.....
Shadow Work & Dark Goddess Magic-Embracing your Darkest Self to find Personal Alchemy and Healing2/6/2018 ![]() In modern day spiritual evolution and practices we are often told to stay positive, overcome our flaws, and only embrace the light along out path to enlightenment. However, is it possible that if we ignore the darker, repressed, untamed and fearful parts of our psyche that we are robbing ourselves of personal alchemy, cohesion and full transcendence? Psychotherapist Carl Jung made popular the idea of different parts of psyche-including the shadow, the light, the persona are a ways we become fragmented from childhood to only show what we think the world wants to see and hide away that which is taboo or not socially accepted. The word persona is derived from a Latin word meaning mask, and he suggests that we put on a persona with certain archetypes of roles we play in life, the social masks we wear, if you will. These archetypes are fragmented parts of ourselves to organize how we experience life in different roles, what we would like to be or how we wish to bee seen in the world. (the mother, the co-worker, the spouse, etc.) Some say in today's modern day it's simply our persona we put on social media, not expressing the deeper, darker aspects that may not be accepted. This of course all up for debate, and I certainly don't accuse anyone of not living a full, authentic life, but I find this is something to let us dive a little deeper. The shadow according to Jung is the hidden place within our own subconscious that holds repressed ideas, beliefs, weaknesses, impulses, fears, embarrassments, perversions and the untamed and chaotic parts of ourselves. That these accumulate along our life journey and often time ignored causing a block of living a fully authentic life and to truly love ourselves. If we allow ourselves to acknowledge these core wounds and dark spaces with full ownership can we then work to let go of anger, guilt or shame? Can we change the pattern of self-sabotage if learn that we hate to feel vulnerable and weak? We've been taught our whole lives to be afraid of the dark, but there is a strong creative energy in that space that longs for you to shed your light upon it. Seeds take roots in the darkness and we can often find a fertile underground just waiting to be tapped. There cannot be light without the darkness, and we are after all the sum of all of our why not explore, acknowledge and walk boldly and lovingly into our darkest of places? We are all light and dark, weak and strong, and can find a balance of all that we are with love. I love to find creative ways to move towards transformation, and I'm all about ritual and Goddess work to bring about aspects of myself I want to explore and shift. So here are a few ways to can delve into the darkness for creativity and exploration, and Dark Goddesses we can call upon when doing our own shadow work. How to Explore your Shadow Self:
Now these woman are not to be feared, but revered! Working with Dark Goddess energy can bring about a sense of personal power, protection and creativity. These Goddesses embrace the shadow, follow the darkness and tread where others only fear. Create your own ritual to call upon one of these bad asses of the dark to illuminate your truest self so that you may wrap your arms around every aspect of yourself-mind, body and spirit. ![]() Kali-The Bad Ass Destroyer Kali, meaning black, is the Hindu Goddess of destruction, chaos, transformation, rebirth and primal energy. She helps to liberate us from who or what we think we are, so that we may find wholeness. Call upon her to help slay some demons and explore the darkness from which the entire universe was created. Read more about Kali here. ![]() Hekate (Hecate)-Queen of the Underworld The Dark Moon Goddess-of the night, and of the crossroads. Hekate is the guardian of the spirit world, protectors of travelers of the crossroads & Goddess of all witches, magic, ghosts and witchcraft. Her sacred animal is the black dog and she is depicted holding two torches-call upon her for protection, insight and guidance in the dark. Petition her for direction at the crossroads and she will give you the key to taking your own, truest direction. ![]() Persephone-The Balance between Darkness & Light The story of Persephone, daughter of Zeus and Demeter, is one that leaves her another Queen of the Underworld. Abducted by Hades, Lord of the Underworld, she became a symbol of the cycles of the seasons as well as death and rebirth. When first abducted Demeter called upon Hekate to help find her child. This Goddess of harvest and fertility was made to live among the shadows and the dead for half of the year, and each time she left her mother Demeter dried up the earth, creating winter. When she was allowed to return into the Upperworld in the spring, the earth would then come back to live with new growth. She was tricked into eating pomegranate seeds during the negotiations of her return, and she's forever obligated to make this return to the Underworld each year. Inanna & Ereshkigal-Sisters of Light and Dark Inanna, Sumerian Goddess of Heaven and Earth, love and war. Ereshkigal, her dark sister of the Underworld, and represents the unseen parts of ourselves. There tale tells us that neither side is more important than the other. When Inanna ventures into the Underworld her sister kills her, they then merge into one reminding us that that we are both the light and the darkness. Read their full story here. To work with these Goddesses follow your own intuition to invoke these energies.
Create your own ritual to petition for guidance and support as you explore your Shadow as well as your Light. Some ideas for ritual can include:
![]() Our emotions and energy can be heightened during the time of the full moon, and a super moon mean even more heightened sensitivity. Combined with a blue moon and lunar eclipse, this celestial event hasn’t happened in 150 years. A blue moon is rare, time to ask for the unaskable. Lunar eclipse is a time of transformation, time to ask for a full cosmic reboot. It’s the universes way of getting your soul back on track, should you accept the invitation. The climax of this lunar cycle is especially powerful and it’s important to set a positive intention and mindset. Whatever you put out during this time, you get that energy back amplified. Take a moment to tune in and arrive into your body. Check in with your tone, how you are feeling today. Let bodily sensations, streaming thoughts or concerns move in and out with your breath. Check into yourself energetically, do you feel stable and at peace or fragmented and chaotic? See if you can work to stabilize your energy, stabilize your thoughts. Let physical tension subside. The moonlight works to illuminate anything not working in our lives, and this moon in particular is for working with spiritual and energetic transformation. Allow yourself to play the role of the observer and see if there is any energy, thought processes or preconceived notions you are holding onto that no longer serve you and your evolution to your best self. Can you give yourself permission to let those go? Spend as much time as you need clearing away space for new growth and transformation, using your breath as a release of old energy to be given back, mulched and returned. Fill yourself up with positivity and the energy to move in a positive direction in your life, however big or however small. Whether it’s a project you’ve been avoiding starting or a bigger step towards personal growth and healing. Want more moon rituals to do for this special occasion? Click here to learn how to draw down the moon and the art of moon bathing.....happy blue moon! MUSINGS FOR THIS MEDITATION:
![]() I enter into the moonlight, the crisp air of the night brushing my flesh as the slight beat of a rattle and a drum pulse behind me. I look around to see tree lines, a quiet wood, and a blazing fire before me. The smoke speaks to me, wishing to whisk me up into the sky for the answers that I seek. "How do I remember?" I ask. "How do I see?" I wait in anticipation to be consumed by the flames, looking above for guidance 'Can they hear me?' I wonder. The rattle ceases and the drumbeat grows louder, a steady pulse rushing through every ounce of my being. The rhythmic, cardiac beat entrances me and my sensations begin to shift. Eyes closed, I feel a gentle tugging at my heart as though something nudging to lift me up. To fly me up into the sky, through the cosmos and into the upper world. I sit, I surrender, I wait for the lift. The tugging continues, but I do not ascend. Looking around I see that I am still alone, the blackness of the evening hovering over the landscape and holding my energy onto the earth. I begin to feel a different pull, a knowing that the underworld is where I am meant to go. Turning around I see a distant cave, its open mouth leading straight down into the earth. Without hesitation I make my way into the grotto and follow the dim light deep down beneath the earth's surface. Moving with ease, the beating of the drum follows me and leads me along my way. Easing past the twists, turns and dark corners my anticipation grows as my heart goes along with the rapid beating of the drum. Dark gives away to light then turns back into darkness, flashes of earth and rock blaze past my eyes. I was moving with some speed and knew I must be getting close. ![]() -Finally I arrive into the underworld and my guide awaits me. Soft grey hair, jetting out in every direction like short silk strands moving through water. Reaching taller than I, her eight arachnid legs grappled the uneven earth as her one red eye peered at me. "What messages do you have for me?" I asked. "How do I remember? How do I see?" Not needing words she infused a flash of white light into the dark cave, illuminating an enormous web. It faded back into the darkness just as quickly as it came. 'Create'. was the message I received. 'Just keep creating.' She invited me onto her back and we began to journey deeper into the cave, I held onto her soft grey hair as her legs crept up around me like a cage she walked. She moved with the quickened beat of the drum that pulsed all around us. ![]() She brought me to a well of water, its surface illuminated the inky air and shadows around us. She walks us up to the edge and peers into the rippled surface. I see not only our reflection in the water but the reflection of a circle of women all around us. Wise women of old, their grey hair long and their faces loving. Were these the women who had come before, who were to come still? Were they perhaps a reflection of myself from a time long ago, or still to come?Again no words were spoken, but impressions were being made and messages received. That sense of remembering that's been burning in my belly ignited even more, knowing that down to every cell in my being I was moving in the right direction. To remember. To answer the call. Looking over to the side of the cavern a white rat with red eyes had joined us. It too offered me messages without words; climbing up and scratching the walls as though to find its way. The yogini in me knew the red in the eyes of my guides had to do with the root chakra, fear, and a sense of safety and security. My spider guide's red third eye was telling me to release my fear and trust my intuition and I knew that I would be safe and protected. She and I climbed onto the back of the rat as all three of us now worked to make our way. We went down a few tunnels, none illuminated by the light and we had to eventually turn and try another way. We came upon a tunnel glowing with the light I knew I needed to follow. It welcomed us all like it was lighting our way home. 'Follow the light'. They sent me up into this tunnel on my own, staying behind for when I needed to return for more counsel. The drumbeat began to slow as I made my ascent back up into the woods. As I reached the top I emerged to see the moon still shined bright, quiet and formidable. The forest was still and the only sound was a gentle breeze moving through the branches. The final strokes of the drumbeat solidified my consciousness back into my body, the cool crisp breath energizing all of my senses. As the pulse ceased and the final drumbeat was struck I felt the silence ringing in my ears. It felt as though the soul whispers I had been receiving were still resonating within the fabric of my being, and woven into my heart~ This was a Shamanic journey I had taken, a practice to work with direct revelation and connect to my ancestors, spirit and animals guides. It is a powerful practice to connect with your own Divinity, tap into your creative potential and ignite your inner light. It is the most ancient form of meditation dating back over 77,000 years. I am very new into this practice and am thankful for having found it. See my Shaman friends and inspiration below! *The spider symbolizes balance, wisdom, creativity, communication, a networker, cyclical, crafty, fate, protection. * The rat represents fertility, stealth, scavenging, intelligence, enjoys luxury, intelligent, wealth, success, drive. *Get a full list of Animal totems and guides here Try a journey with Shaman Sandra Ingerman Begin your own journey practice at home with Teri Williams to connect you to wisdom, unconditional love and healing One of my other favorite Shamans and business neighbor, Megan at New Myth Energy Shaman Apprentice Lisa Harthun at Healing Balance will be performing beautiful Crystal Bowl Healing meditations at the studio for each solstice and equinox of 2018 to help shift our energy with the seasons Answer the call with the book Witch by Lisa Lister and the book Rise Sister Rise by Rebecca Campbell I thank you for letting me share my journey with you and as the Shamans say....Aho! ![]() You may or may not recognize my logo as The Seed of Life, a member of sacred geometry and universal symbol of creation. This is a newly found fascination and interest of mine....when I first saw the shapes and images I wasn't sure how to decipher them or knew what they were all about. Then I began my research and journey on this truly amazing subject stemming thousands of years. Sacred geometry is where science meets mysticism. There are universal shapes found all over history, nature and the universe; sacred patterns that design everything in the cosmos. These natural occurring patterns can be measured, repeated and found EVERYWHERE. We've all heard the phrase 'as above, so below', well blessed be these forms are found from the spirals in the galaxies to the shell of the tiniest sea creature. There is an interconnection woven into the very fabric of existence! Based on geometric structure, mathematics and form this concept has modern day scientists agreeing with ancient mystics. For thousands of years churches, temples, mosques and more have used this sacred geometry in their design. 'God's blueprint', as it's been known. The geometry contains circles, triangles, hexagons, spirals and more and are also connected to the elements of earth, air, fire and water. Combining these with the 5 platonic solids you get sacred geometry. Common sacred geometry figures include the Flower of Life, The Seed of Life, and Metatron's Cube. Metatron's Cube has an interesting story and it explains the birth of the universe itself ![]() Metaton's Cube is constructed of 13 spheres held together by many intersecting lines. The spheres represent a feminine aspect of creation, the lines the masculine. The weaving of them together creates total interconnectedness and wholeness. The shapes that create the universe are inside of it's structure. This is the most sacred of the figures and the number 13 has it's significance. It's said the 13 spheres represent: 13 archangels, 13 energy centers, or chakras, and the 13 keys of creation. Enter the Seed of Life, which is a universal symbol of creation. It's deeper meaning is infused in it's shape, and it is the seed of the flower of life, which which then leads to the fruit of life. Don't let it seem complicated, as it's already everything that's around us it's simply learning a deeper meaning behind it! Included in the seed of life are the feminine circles representing the 7 days or creation, as well as the 7 Chakras. The 7 circles in total, 6 each connected perfectly around the 7th, creating that delicate seed in the center. The seed of life can be found in most major religions and ancient cultures. ![]() Here you can see the Seed of Life, how it is the 'seed' in the Flower of Life, which holds the Akashic records of of living things in the universe. Within the Flower of Life you can find the Tree of life and it's 13 spheres, used in the Kabbalah. Everything in the universe is constructed by these sacred blueprints! Leonardo da Vinci used sacred geometry in his work, see it depicted here. ![]() The Hexagon can be made by connecting the points through the seed of life (as you can see to the left), making an even deeper connection. The hexagon I wanted to incorporate due to it's significance to community. Hexagons are found throughout nature, including snowflakes, beehives and represent communication, balance, union, harmony and integration. This powerful symbol is found everywhere, down to a cloud vortex on Saturn and our own DNA! Hexagons are tessellate, meaning they can be repeated across a single surface without any gaps or wasted space. Bees (and nature) and truly tuned in to using this shape in beehives to insure there is no room for wasted energy and most efficient. These interconnected bonds from space to space insure that each individual unit is an important part of the whole. So there you have my introduction to sacred geometry, this is a vast subject I will continue to study, interpret and incorporate into my teachings. I wish you well, make your day as magical as it can be and remember you are an important part of the vast picture of the universe, and the fibers of your being are interwoven into everything around you. Be well and live your magic! We are connected in so many ways with Mother Nature-her cycles, her rhythms, her raw nature. Blessings are the awareness and the ability to tap into our deeper selves and to mindfully connect with theses rhythms to find growth and transformation in our lives. The new or dark moon is a time for deep reflection, to set new intentions and allow space for new growth. There are many ways to work with this energy, and often times it's a matter of resonates with you for the moment. I was introduced to working with the new moon with the Goddess and archetype Lilith, and om my Goddess did I find it a delicious way to go!
When the moon phases fall under specific astrological signs, we can deepen our work that much more for intention and transformation. With new moon in Scorpio we find opportunities to tap into our sensual selves-elements of passion, ambition and resilience. Lilith is a dark moon goddess-willful, powerful. Scorpio offers transformation and a direct line into primordial energy. Like our Mother Moon we are cyclical creatures, falling into a rhythm of creation, destruction, and shedding of our old energies and layers that no longer serve. This is the time to sink into our shadow selves and see what lies beneath the surface......and awaken into our passion and our power. Lilith is most famously know for being cast out of the Garden of Eden when she refused to be subordinate to Adam and fled to live in exile in the Red Sea. She got the bad rep of being an evil demon who flew into your home at night to eat the children and seduce the men. Forever cast out for making her own choices and being in charge of her own pleasure. Her totem is the sacred serpent, and we call call upon her to embody independence and the will to live loud and with passion. With new moon energy we take the time to reflect, to dream and to plant seeds. What new ways can you connect to your own sexuality? What sensual side of yourself needs rekindling? As we cast off a layer of ourselves that is too heavy to carry, allow the shimmering radiance beneath shine through. This is a time to connect to and honor our Divine feminine self, to step into our power and our passion. Set something into motion today. Something that ignites a spark within your very being. Let any wounds or raw spots heal with this new energy, honoring all lessons that have been bestowed upon you. Here is a new moon ritual to work with Lilith and honor your journey, your passion and your most sacred self. NEW MOON RITUAL WITH LILITH 1. Take a ritual cleansing bath, infused with oils of jasmine and bergamont (a few rose petals wouldn't hurt, either!) Set your intentions, allowing the water to cleanse and release anything keeping you from seeing your Divine radiance and grace. The water element is deeply connected with the moon, and ourselves being made of mostly water allows our interconnection to be that much stronger. 2. Put something on that makes you feel sensual, material that is pleasing to the touch. From simple sexy panties, or perhaps nothing at all! Do this for yourself, it's not for anyone else- unless you chose it to be so. 3. If you'd like to set up an altar for Lilith you can include red wine, dark chocolate and ruby red or maroon candles, cloths or jewelry-this color represents the wise blood of the woman (even if we are no longer bleeding in our moon cycles) and the magic that resides within. I've also included a picture of her sacred serpent and her flower, the lily, but the rose and poppy are said to be among her favorites as well. 4. Sit in meditation to shed any layers, offer yourself healing and embrace the quiet energy of the dark moon. Draw the darkness into yourself to transform into light and illuminate any new path you set for yourself. Awaken into your most sacred self and offer a new way to see yourself as Divine, magical and confident. 5. In a seated position, ground down through the hips and allow just the rib cage to shift from side to side, then in circles. Moving slowly, perhaps with eyes closed, feel the rhythm of the body moving in a fluid, flowing motion......moon energy is soft, nurturing. Spend some time here to connect with your fluidity and grace thought movement. 6. Find yourself on hands and knees (what us yogis call table top) and pretend you have a paint brush attached to the end of your tail bone, with eyes closed imagine drawing a circle on the wall behind you with that paint brush. Slow moving circles, feeling the movement of the pelvis sweeping to one side, then to the other-awakening your sacral and solar plexus Chakras. The sacral or Svadhisthana Chakra is an energy center located just below the navel. Known as the sweetness, it's the seat of our desires, pleasures, intimacy and sensuality. The solar plexus or Mani Pura Chakra is located above the navel and governs our self confidence and self-esteem. Spend as much time as you'd like here to activate this sacred energy. 7. Put on some music that moves you, and simply move. Dance, spin, stomp and flail about with primordial energy allowing any energy shifts to take place to awaken into a new confident and sensual you. Literally dance like no one's watching! 8. Should you partake, enjoy some of the red wine and dark chocolate as you sit once again. Eyes closed, falling back into that quiet space and let that new energy quell within your very being. You are magical, connected to everything in the Universe. Never let anyone tell you differently, or that you are not beautiful, radiant and magnificent. We all have the ability to be vulnerable, quiet and soft, but to also be powerful, ever healing and resilient...... Magical moon blessings, lovely one! Namaste, Heather Rae |
AuthorHello lovelies. Thank you for letting me express my journey of discovering my magic and Divine Feminine. I am happy to share my experiences with you to heal, love, and evolve. Archives
December 2018