BRIGID-Celtic Goddess of fire and water to create, heal and inspire
Pagan goddess whom the church adopted as St. Brigid
Goddess of: the forge, hearth, poetry, crafts, healing, childbirth, unity, candles, sunrise, embroidery, inspiration and creativity
Symbols: sacred cow, fire, springs, wells, arrows, doorways, reed cross, lamb, bees, owls, all hibernating animals, dandelions, acorns, oak, sage shamrocks, field flowers, #19
Stones: carnelian, agate, amethyst, jasper
Metals: gold and brass
Colors: white, yellow, black and red
She is the muse for creativity, and the goddess of poets, musicians, writers, storytellers, herbalists, healers, artists, magic workers, teachers
She represents the warmth of the family home (hearth)
Known for her green cloak she wraps around those who need nurturing
Said to be present at all childbirth, guides midwives
Warrior goddess, protector of women and children
Born at day break of the earth god Dogda. She was elevated into the sky with rays of light beaming from her head. She was said to be nourished as a babe by the milk of a sacred cow.
Wherever she walks, shamrocks and flowers spring up in her footprints
She has an apple tree in the Otherworld, her sacred bees travel back and forth to carry the magical nectar to the earth.
Personifies the power of women and embodies prophecy, dreams and creative expression
She is the teacher of herb craft-sage and rosemary sacred herbs
Igniting the Sacred Spark of Inspiration with Brigid
Set up an altar to Brigid using any or all of the tools mentioned. Take a sacred cleansing bath to release any negativity leave your energy open to receive guidance and inspiration
Have a piece of paper, fireproof dish (I like my little cast iron cauldron) and candle at your altar space. Add a dish or glass of water
Anoint your candle with any oils, invite in the goddess Brigid, and the elements of fire and water to join you. Fire represents the will and drive to create, and the element of water represents intuitive and Divine inspiration.
Allow yourself to fire gaze on the flame of the candle. Think of a creative project or endeavor you’ve been wanting to try or get back to. Or leave yourself totally open to new inspiration. See what comes as you gaze at the flames. Listen, see, feel what Divine inspiration comes to you.
Dedicate the water as a sacred well of Brigid, anointing with any oils or herbs that call to you. Anoint yourself with the water, and sit in meditation to allow yourself to fill with creative expression.
Sit for as long as you need, and use paper to write or draw what comes to you.
Thank all of the energies that joined you for your inspiration