Smudging is an ancient cleansing ritual to remove negative energies and impurities from a space or person. Energies build up in our homes, and this can affect our mood, relationships, health, and even block our personal growth. This is a great tool to use after large gatherings, when you feel there is stuck or negative energy in the space or you just need a refresher. I love to offer a ritual cleansing and blessing of my home for the new year, as well as with the shift in each season.
Here are some tips to cleansing your space.
Tools: Smudging element (my favorites are sage or palo santo) Matches or lighter (a lighter may be easier to continue to relight if smudging a large space) Shell or fireproof container to collect any ashes Feather or other element to waft smoke in space (optional, may also use hand)
Prepare your space: Crack windows to allow old energy to leave your space
Time to cleanse: I find it best to smudge yourself before you begin to do this work, as to make sure you can coming into this clearing and blessing from the best place. Light your smudging element, allow the flame to go out so there is only smoke. Please be careful of any ashes or falling embers! Waft the smoke up and down the front of your body, around your head, across the back of the body, and under the soles of each foot. Allow any negative energy to fall off of you into the earth. This energy will be mulched and returned to you renewed. If doing the whole house, begin at the front door. If you are removing negative energies, you work counter-clockwise around the house and each room. Move the smudging element as it's smoking to waft the smoke throughout each room. You may need to relight when the smoke goes out. Be sure to get into the corners of the rooms, and say any blessings to remove this energy as you work through each room. When done, you can then move clockwise to bless the space and bring in positive, renewed energy into the space, repeating a blessing as you do so.
Alternatives to sage or palo santo: Sweet grass Cedar Dried lavender or rose bundles *safety is key, please practice safely and never leave a space if there is fear of embers that may have fallen throughout this process. Monitor you space as needed throughout and after.
Home Blessings
To remove negative energy(cleanse counter-clockwise) Clear this air of negativity. Let the smoke capture it in its mist and carry it lovingly out the door. From the corners, the windows, the nooks and crannies, let this space be filled with light and open to new possibilities and life.
I release what is no longer needed in this space. Let the smoke carry it away, releasing any old energy, misfortune, or that which does not serve my highest good. Clear the way for what I may need to bring into my life and home, and renew this energy within as well as without.
To add positive energy-(cleanse clockwise) I bless this home with the energies of love, inspiration, healing and compassion. May those who enter fill this space with tenderness, leave it with happy hearts, warm bellies, and the hug of friendship.
Bless this space, clear the way and allow it to fill with love, health, and happiness.
Fill this space with renewed energy and warmth. I invite all that is good my way, and let only those who I call friend into my home. This is a space of love, connection, and comfort. Now and always.
Home Sutra I walk over the threshold and my heart immediately softens, my breathing deepens, and I am home. Home is the haven to hang our hats, remove our labels and fold into that which makes our heart feel free. May my dwelling of peace be filled with laughter and calm silence, solace and renewal. I welcome those who enter to see me in my most natural and beautiful state where I can be protected and free to be me.