Take the path of least resistance working with the moon....
When we better know the moon, her phases and cycle, we can better harness her energy to help us create the life that we want. Each month is an opportunity for growth, rebirth, forgiveness and manifestation-let the moon help you along the way! Whether we are planning to manifest or are noticing things happening in our lives, checking in with the moon phases may help us make better decisions and set clearer paths. Tune into the Earths energy and go with the flow....
The New Moon-A time to feed your subconscious mind, plant seeds and manifest. Work with the new moon in meditation and rituals to set intentions and plan for the future. Embodying a yin, feminine & nurturing energy this is a time to dream, wish and create something from nothing! The key is to envision your dreams as though they were all ready here, all ready real. Write them down or even doodle or draw what they would look like. Manifesting during the new moon adds a super boost to your intentions!
Waxing Crescent Moon-Now that you've planted the seeds it's time to nourish them and let them grow! Start to give attention to this energy you've set in motion, explore and trust what you are sending out into the Universe. Here is where you begin to see the sprouts shooting up from your efforts, moving towards making your dreams a reality. Revisit regularly your intentions & meditate on what it is you are creating.
First Quarter Moon-You've properly laid the tracks, now it's time to really begin to execute. Be sure to be keeping in tune to your own self confidence, you may begin to get tested here on your ability to take action. Time to revisit what you want and double-down on motivation.
Waxing Gibbous Moon-You've put things into motion, now it's time to revisit, re-access and recharge. What's working? What isn't? Where you you need to make changes to continue to move forward? Staying abreast on your progress and letting your creativity flow will allow you to stay one step ahead on making your intentions a reality.
Full Moon-Here it is, the big one. The high point and climax of the lunar cycle. Here is when you may feel your intentions coming into fruition, things coming to a head or emotions running high. It's important to take the time to acknowledge, process and release during this time. The full moon is the time for letting go what no longer serves you and create space for change. What is no longer working or what do you no longer have room for? Cleansing rituals are great here, as a time for detox, forgiveness and release. And remember whatever you put out there emotionally you will draw back, everything is amplified during this time so positive intentions are key. They say the moon affects the tides of the ocean, and since we are made of mainly water the moon may have a tremendous effect on us as well! This is where the term lunacy and lunatic came from, why ERs flood with people and when things are crazy they say 'must be a full moon'. If things aren't going your way don't give into frustration but find gratitude and release of any negative emotions.
Waning Gibbous Moon-This is a time to relax, chill and reflect. Replenish your energy and get ready to move forward. This can also be a good time to help and inspire others, give to those in need and help individuals attune to their own needs.
Third Quarter Moon-Now is the time to re-evaluate, adjust and move forward. Take action on decisions on which direction to go from here. Do you continue on the same path or switch it up to a new direction? Tap into your own inner power, heal any dreams or intentions that did not come into fruition.
Waning Crescent Moon-Depending on what's come to pass, this is a time to let go and accept. Revisit dreams, intentions and wishes for yourself and prepare for the new moon to come.
Remember that each month is an incredible time of opportunity, new beginnings and growth. You have the power to create what you want in your life-learn to go with the flow and make magic happen for you!