Mother Nature's healers-Crystals and stones hold vibrations and have qualities that can help to enhance health. We are naturally receptive to the healing qualities of these Earthly elements and they can work to balance blockages of the body, mind & spirit. Use these in rituals for health, wellness, prosperity and more. Please note that these are not meant to take place of any medical treatment, seek guidance with serious issues if needed. Be kind to yourself and others, always! These are some of my favorites, and there are so many more! See the Goddess Shopping & Resource Guide to see where you can get more information or pick some up for yourself! Agate-transform negative energies in the body, cleanse the aura, aids in digestion, heals inner anger, acceptance of Self. Amazonite-soothes the system, calms emotional trauma, releases negativity & aggravation. Heart & Throat Chakras. Amber-Tree resin, not crystal, Chakra cleanser, absorb pain, dis ease & negative energy. Clears depression, creativity. Amethyst-protection, enhances meditation, high healing and cleansing, spiritual awareness, helps to overcome addictions. Apophyllite-spiritual stone, intuition, truth, True Self, calming, reduces stress, release suppressed emotions. Aquamarine-courage, quiets the mind, intuition, clairvoyance enhancing. Aventurine-prosperity, diffuse negative situations, leadership, compassion, empathy, creativity, calms anger/irritation. Black Onyx-strength, access higher guidance, stamina, balances yin/yang energies in body. Blood Stone-healing, intuition, creativity, grounding, protection, revitalization, courage, being present. Blue Jasper-spiritual stone, Visshuda (Throat) Chakra, solitude, reflection, protection. Earth element stone. Calcite-energy cleanser, enhance psychic abilities, spiritual development, stabilize emotions, enhancing trust in Self. Carnelian-grounding, motivation, creativity, courage, success in business, overcome abuse, perception, concentration. Celestite-healing stone, peace, enlightenment, communication, good fortune, creativity, Visshuda (Throat) Chakra. Citrine-energizing, Chakra cleanser, activate Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra, intuition, abundance, happiness, prosperity. Emerald-inspiration, patience, friendship, domestic bliss, opens Anahata (Heart Chakra), releases negativity. Fluorite-highly physically protective, draws out negative energy & stress, grounds spiritual energy, brings structure. Fire Agate-safety, grounding, protection. stimulates Muladhara (Root) Chakra. Garnet-stabilize internal or external chaos, regeneration, Muladhara (Root) Chakra, manifestation. Geodes-enhance home & family harmony, creativity and represent the Divine Feminine aspect! Great to add to any ritual. Hematite-grounding, protection, restores harmony to body, mind and spirit, boosts self esteem Jade-purity, wisdom, love, nurturing, activate Anahata (Heart) Chakra, helps emotional release, calms irritability. Jasper-supports during stress, tranquility, aligns the Chakras, protection, grounding, courage, determination in pursuits. Labradorite-protection, higher consciousness, intuition, enhance psychic ability, transformation, calms overactive mind. Lapis Lazuli-opens Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra, balances Visshuda (Throat) Chakra, stress release, peace, spiritual power. Moonstone-new beginnings, reflective, intuition, lucid dreaming during full moon, calms emotional triggers. Obsidian-support in growth, deep soul healing, shields from negativity, very powerful in releasing/absorbing emotions. Ocean Jasper-soothing, water element, connect with nature, patience, presence, great meditation stone. Onyx-strength & support in difficult situations, higher guidance. Opal-transformation, access the True Self, reflective, karmic stone, enhances Self-worth, love, desire, passion. Petrified Wood-stabilize emotions, grouding, practicality, business success, powerful to remove obstacles. Quartz-most powerful healing stone, absorbs, unblocks & regulates energy, cleansing, works on all levels of being. Rose Quartz-unconditional love, infinite peace, deep inner Self-love, fertility, best Anahata (Heart) Chakra stone. Selenite-clarity of mind, promotes serene environment, higher guidance, opens Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra. Snowflake Obsidian-purity, centering in the Self, provide balance in times of change, shield against negativity. Sodalite-logic, efficiency, stimulates Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra, truth, heals broken communication. Tiger's Eye-protection, strength, grounding, good fortune, helps to draw will power & emotional stability during changes. Topaz-empathetic stone, soothes, heals, recharges, trust in the Universe, joy, abundance, good health. Tourmaline-rebalances stagnant/dense energy, clears & balances Chakras & add protective shield around body. Turquoise-strong healing stone, soothes the spirit, protection, purification, used in specific Chakra work.