Aligning ourselves with the cycles and phases of the moon can help us to sync our energy and intentions with Mother Nature. Moon rituals go back 1000s of years; this beautiful satellite orbiting the Earth carries a feminine energy & power we can draw down, harness and take into ourselves. People from ancient cultures used to moon to map out the seasons and first calendars, noting her affect on the tides of the oceans, the crops, the animals. From full moon, blue moon, harvest moon and more, find ways to honor this fluctuation of energy to set intentions, manifest and work with nature to draw to you what you want in life! Learn more about the specific moon phases and how to work with them here, enjoy some of my moon rituals I use, plus you can get creative using our tools of the trade to create your own! The best rituals and spiritual practices are the ones we create ourselves, but here is some inspiration to get you started!