You may have seen the figure of the Elephant-headed Deity Ganesha, sometimes known as Ganapati. The son of Shiva & Paravti, he is the grounding source, connected to our Muladhara, or root, Chakra. Ganesha rules the Earth element and is the source of our foundation in life and the remover of obstacles. If you feel scattered or out of control, or are around people who may be affecting you energetically, it’s time to plant some roots and get grounded.
Connect to your Ground Source Gather your tools.....all are optional, choose what speaks to you or what you have on hand.
*Choose a grounding stone to setting your energy and help protect you from negativity:
black tourmaline
smoky quartz
*A symbol of strength: this could be a photo, token, or anything that speaks to you on strength and protection
*Black candle to symbolize grounding, protection, and releasing negative energy *Cedarwood essential oil to dress your candle, more oils and meanings here
*Piece of paper and pencils, markers, etc
Set up your space and light and dress your candle. Find a comfortable seat, either in a chair or one the floor. Allow the body to shift and settle into its space, to find its center of gravity. Hold the hands in Padma mudra, relax the shoulders. Find a gentle pulsing and pulling of the hand away from one another with each exhale.
Feel the connection of each point of contact the body makes to the floor and the earth beneath you. Feel and accept that support. Begin hugging the sits bones together and engaging the muscles of the pelvic floor, drawing them in and up (think woman's kegles). Allow that contraction to match the breath and the gentle pulling of the fingers......Connecting to you Muladhara Chakra.
This is our grounding Chakra, and energy center responsible for our feelings of safety, security, feeling grounded, and a connection to our tribe. Imagine the color red emanating from this space. Pulsing with each breath. Ganesha is the Earth, or Bhumi energy. The earth is stability, cohesion, firmness. Feel the strong solid foundation beneath you, ready to offer support in any endeavor. Ganesha grants wisdom, and is the Lord of Obstacles.
Not only the remover of, but sometimes the placer of ones...reminding us that everything happens for a reason to guide us to our highest evolution. Feel where the body connects with the earth once again. Begin to draw that grounding source, that Bhumi earth energy into yourself with each breath. As you breath in, release the pelvic floor and open up that space. As you exhale draw it in and up into yourself. Embody stability, cohesion, strength. Imagine your roots growing down into the earth and envision yourself as a magnificent tree. Are there leaves, blossoms, expanding branches? Take a moment to sketch your tree, weaving words into the branches for inspiration and reminders of your strong foundation.
Offer yourself the Mantra Om Gum Ganapateyei Namaha-I am grounded, I am safe, I am protected. Repeat 3-7 times. Stay here as long as you like to be your own solid foundation for any new endeavors you face in the upcoming year!