As simple as blowing out candles on a birthday cake, candles help to send out your intention and put the Universe to work on what it is that you want. I love to include candles into most of my rituals and meditations to amp up the energy of what it is I'm trying to achieve. There can be many different candles for many different situations or even people, but here we will keep it simple. Choose however many candles you wish to use, and connect and set your intentions by dressing or anointing the candles before you light them. A carrier oil such as jojoba or grapeseed, is often times mixed with an essential oil to boost the kick of your intent and rubs along the length of the candle. This also helps to add your vibration to the candle.
A simple and powerful way to use candles for manifestation if in fire rituals. Here you write your intent on a piece of paper, fold the paper and hold in your hands. Put your intent and energy into that paper, and when ready hold paper in the flame to light and place it in a fire safe bowl. Allow the flame to consume the paper and watch problem disappear or intention float out into the Universe !
It's a good rule of thumb to always use a new candle for each ritual or intent. If you work on the same thing for multiple days, the same candle is fine. It's said that candles pick up other vibrations and 'clean' candles are good to start any new project. Smaller, thin taper candles are the best to burn down as much as they can in one seating. You can find these in most Metaphysical stores, see our Modern Goddess Shopping & Resource Guide to find some resources. Remember to never leave candles unattended and practice safe candle work!
Colored Candles and their meanings:
White: Purity, truth, peace, spirituality. A white candle may be used in place of any other color as well. Pink: Friendship, romance, affection Red: Health, sexuality, courage, strength, energy Orange: Attraction, personal strength, Yellow: Protection, communication, creativity, persuasion Green: Abundance, money, fertility, good luck, harmony Blue: Healing, wisdom, protection, truth, patience Purple: Ambition, prosperity, success Gold: Justice, career Silver: Intuition, reflection Black: Protection, grounding, release negative energy Brown: Self esteem