Ostara or Eostre is the Germanic Goddess of Spring. She represents rebirth after winter, renewal, opportunity and new potential. The word Ostara means 'movement towards the rising sun' and this is when creative energy is at its strongest! This is a time on renewed energy, balance, hope and warmth. Like nature and the earth, we will be soon awakening from the slumber of winter. With the return of the sun the ground will be fertile, everything will move from a more passive energy to more active and new life will spring forth! So just as Mother Nature, her creatures and everything with roots get ready to bloom so shall we! Here are some tools, celebrations, rituals & resources for you to celebrate Ostara and the return of spring!
Spring Manifestation Tree
One way to bring in the spring is to make a Spring Manifestation Tree.
Try this fun ritual to set your intentions for spring. You may choose to use a new house plant or I chose to use dropped branches from winter and fresh springs for spring to represent the change of seasons. You may choose to use goals, intentions, affirmations, or whatever you choose! I used words and stickers to represent those words. Decorate however call to you and have fun!
Supply list:
house plant or vase with branches and sprigs
paper, I used journal paper pressed with flowers
hole punch, scissors
If using branches and sprigs arrange in your vessel with water. Cut out egg shapes from your paper of choice. You may choose to write your words first then find images/stickers to match or scan the images first and see what resonates with you and create your intentions or affirmations based on them. As you write your words, think of what energy you are creating. Then punch them with holes and hang as you recite your words to send your renewed energy for the season.
Place on our spring altar and review your intentions through the season and watch them grow into fruition.
One way to celebrate is to set up your spring altar. This can be done anywhere in your home to help welcome in spring. I like to set mine up on the night before the equinox and do my first celebration early in the morning. Morning bonfires are a way to honor Goddess Eostre or Ostara. You can use many of my tools of the trade to create your altar and choose many Goddesses to honor as well. Check out my blog on how to set up your spring altar here.
Symbols of the season Eggs-Eggs have long been sacred to represent fertility, renewal and growth. Ancients used to say the earth itself watch hatched from an egg and that the egg carried the power of creation. Butterfly-complete transformation & rebirth Rabbits & Hares-signs of good luck and abundance Lamb-purity and new potential Flowers-lilacs (home cleansing), tulips (good luck/prosperity), daffodils (happiness & cheer), daisy, pansy, honeysuckle Goddesses-Eostre or Ostara, Flora, Gaia, Freya, Persephone, Venus, Dionysus, Aphrodite Old balance scale-symbolizes the perfect balance of light and day, finding balance Other Elements Stones-aventurine, celestite, clear quartz, moonstone & bloodstone (all for balancing). Amethyst, emerald, pink topaz (all for spring). Rose quartz (fertility) Colored candles-yellow (sun/solar plexus), green (fertility), violet (spirituality), pink (household peace), blue (tranquility), brown (earth), silver (Goddess) Essential Oils-honeysuckle, rose, ylang ylang, lavender, bergamont, jasmine, orange blossom
Rituals & Traditions Use one or many to welcome the spring season Home Blessing-set up your spring altar and open up the windows in your home. Light a sage bundle or stick of palo santo and smudge the rooms of your home, offering new blessings and energy into your space. Set stones in and around the home for balance and prosperity. It's important to clear out the old to leave room for the new, a perfect time for spring cleaning! Plant and herb garden, indoor or out. The weather in early spring is fickle, so choose your herbs and plants wisely. Good herbs to grow in early spring are said to be dill (prosperity/protection), cilantro, basil & lemon balm. Other magickal herbs and plants connected to Ostara and spring are valerian, dandelion, violets, lavender, thyme, sage, rosemary & chammomile. Some great resources for gardening & herbs are any book by Ellen Dugan such as Garden Witch's Herbal, Cottage Witchery or Garden Witchery. Also the Ostara book by Llewellyn has many amazing crafts and Ostara history and traditions.
Feasts! This is a great reason to get together with loved ones to celebrate the season. Dishes you can feast upon can reflect the springtime such as eggs (think quiche), mead (honey wine), lamb, honey cakes, potatoes with dill or rosemary, deviled eggs, mint tea cake, honeyed carrots and more. Check out recipes in the Ostara book mentioned above and on the website Raven and Crone.