It may not fee like it, but spring is almost upon us! Syncing up our lives and energy with the seasons helps us to take the path of least resistance. Like nature and the earth, we will be soon awakening from the slumber of winter. With the return of the sun the ground will be fertile, everything will move from a more passive energy to more active and new life will spring forth! So just as Mother Nature, her creatures and everything with roots get ready to bloom so shall we! Here are some ways to set up your Ostara altar for the coming of the Spring Equinox on Monday March 20th. Ostara means 'movement towards the rising sun'. Now the creative energy is strong, a time for balance, hope and warmth-a promise of warmer days to come. We can take this time to plant new seeds, both figuratively and literally. Start new projects and breath new life into what you want to drive into the new season. To read more check out the Celebrate Spring page here. Set up your spring altar, here are some tools:
AuthorHello lovelies. Thank you for letting me express my journey of discovering my magic and Divine Feminine. I am happy to share my experiences with you to heal, love, and evolve. Archives
December 2018